Peninsula Plastic Surgery

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What You Need to Know About Pregnancy After Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Women with large breasts suffering from neck and shoulder pain look to breast reduction to help alleviate their discomfort and other health issues caused by the size of their breasts.

While breast reduction has been an excellent help for millions of women worldwide, some people feel apprehensive about getting them because of how it can affect their pregnancy. 

On Pregnancy and Your Breasts

Since the procedure is performed on women (the procedure for men is called Gynecomastia Surgery), pregnancy is a topic that’s important to discuss, especially if the patient is still interested in having children. Boob jobs and pregnancies may not seem like such a good mix, and you may even be discouraged from getting surgery in the first place, but don’t feel anxious!

To ease your worry, we have compiled a list of all of the most common questions women have about pregnancy after breast reduction. Read through below to find out the answers to your burning questions!

1. Can I get pregnant after my breast reduction surgery?

Your breast reduction definitely won’t prevent you from starting a family, but you will have to wait before getting pregnant. When you get pregnant, your body will experience many changes, and your breasts won’t be an exception. 

Experts recommend waiting for about two to three months after your reduction so your breasts can heal from the internal and external incisions. Waiting for your breasts to heal will help reduce scarring issues.

If you decide to get the surgery sooner because of discomfort and pain, Dr. Rosso recommends speaking to your OB-Gyn to discuss pregnancy timing in detail.

2. How will my breasts change because of the pregnancy?

Breast reduction is permanent, but some changes in your breasts after pregnancy are possible. Plastic surgeons can’t accurately predict the effects of pregnancy on the appearance of your breasts since they can be affected by the following factors:

  • Hormone levels during and after pregnancy
  • Breast size before and after pregnancy
  • Skin elasticity
  • The integrity of breast ligaments 
  • Genetic makeup

Despite the reduced size of your breasts, they can still experience some throbbing or swelling, mainly due to breast milk production. Many women remain happy with their post-reduction breasts even after pregnancy, as their breasts eventually return to their pre-pregnant size. But if you still have changes you want to correct after pregnancy, you may want to consider getting breast lift surgery.

3. Will I be able to breastfeed?

Many women can still produce milk and retain the surgery results, but keep in mind that this doesn’t happen to everyone. In general, even without surgery, there is a portion of women who cannot breastfeed.  This condition is called Hypoplasia of the breast, which occurs when the mammary tissue and glands don’t evolve normally. No matter how skilled your aesthetic surgeon is, there is still a chance that your breastfeeding will be affected. If breastfeeding is crucial for you, you should wait after your pregnancy before getting a breast reduction.

During surgery, some glandular tissue may be removed, milk ducts and nerves will be affected, and the nipple may be repositioned—this may impact whether or not you can produce and express milk. 

Conversely, if you don’t have a full milk supply, there are usually ways to help improve it.


Anyone can have breast reduction surgery—even women who want to be moms! You don’t have to let your breasts prevent you from starting a family. As long as you work with a skilled plastic surgeon, you’re sure to have great breasts and a happy pregnancy!

Are you planning to get breast reduction surgery? Let Peninsula Plastic Surgery help you get the breast you want! We are dedicated to cutting-edge, effective, and safe plastic surgery procedures, providing the best care and most natural results with uncompromised safety. Make an appointment today!

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